At Forest Investment Associates, sustainability has been a core component of our approach to managing our clients’ forests for over 35 years.  Forests provide a host of benefits to society, including raw materials for the forest products sector, clean and plentiful water, clean air, wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, and carbon sequestration.  We are pleased to present our 2019 Sustainability Report which focuses, in part on the importance of forest productivity to achieving long-term sustainability and ecosystem health across forested landscapes.  Productivity increases in managed forests around the world have contributed to the prosperity and health of local rural communities and economies while also insuring those sensitive and rare ecosystems can be managed for biodiversity, ecosystem health and conservation.  FIA  strives to execute a landscape approach to managing forests thus ensuring each acre is managed in a sustainably appropriate manner balancing timber, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and other important objectives.


Our 2019 Sustainability Report also provides metrics on how FIA views and manages it’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) business processes and responsibilities.  We are committed to providing transparent and timely information about the forests we manage on behalf of our clients and look forward to any questions you may have about our 2019 Sustainability Report.